Fishing Village - Cambodia | Still Image Photography | Camboida

I am just going to begin with that on this day in Cambodia, a piece of my heart stayed there. This was the day that we were going to experience our homestay. The first part of the day we visited the fishing village. We got to meet a few of the villagers and then take a quick boat ride in their lake. It's really hard to describe in detail everything that I saw there so I hope the photos below give you a feel of what I felt that day. :)

The first photo was a few of the children in the village that were so happy to see us. They were just waving and smiling so big. It made my heart happy.  Being here was such a humbling experience. <3 <3

We started off in a bakery in Siem Reap before heading to the country side for our homestay. So yummy......

Getting close.....

Arrived at the finishing village.....<3

These villagers work from sun up to sun down and I am sure sometimes longer if needed. These ladies were super nice and let us watch them work for a bit.

The photo below is one of my favorite photos that I captured at the village. :)

Love these little ones.....<3

Heading to our boat....

The inside of our boat. 

Photos of the fishing village from the boat.....

After we left the fishing village, we stopped at a restaurant on our way to see some temples and our homestay. They had a chalkboard at the restaurant and Ric put Deming, NM on the board. :) 

Hope you enjoyed the photos!

xoxo -Michelle

Angkor, Ta Prohm & Flight of the Gibbon | Still Image Photography | Siem Reap

On this beautiful morning, we woke up around 4am so that we could go back to Angkor Wat to see the sunrise over the temple. We ended up with clouds and rain instead. It was still a beautiful photo!!

When we first arrived, it was so dark! I couldn't even see a few feet in front of me inside one of the temples. It was a little creepy walking around with just a flashlight. I was hoping nothing was going to reach out and grab me. Like one the monkeys we had seen there the day before. haha! Once we arrived at the "spot" for a great photo, we bought a little coffee and waited....and waited....and waited. It was worth the wait.....

Love the photo below....


Meditating inside one of the temples while waiting for everyone in the group. 

Headstands & handstands everywhere.....ha!

After leaving, we headed out to Ta Prohm a.k.a. Tomb Raider Temple because that is where the movie was filmed. It's also the place where we saw the Angelina Jolie tree. :) By this time it started to pour. It was really nice though. We enjoyed the beautiful rain. It had been so HOT so the change in weather was a wonderful little surprise. It didn't last long, but we enjoyed it while it lasted. :) 

All the trees here were BEAUTIFUL!

Angelina Jolie tree...<3

After leaving Ta Prohm, we were able to walk around our hotel for a few before heading out to the Flight of the Gibbon(zip lining). I didn't take many photos while walking around. I was a little tired and worried about the zip lining I agreed to do. :/

The photo below was taken after a few tears and a lot of persuasion for me to actually do the zip lining. I know I had agreed to do it earlier in the day, but once we got there, it was a different story. I was told that I could try one zip line and if I didn't like it, I could go down and not have to finish. YEAH RIGHT! Once you do one, you're have to finish. Well for this zip line anyway. I was a little angry and little proud all at the same time. Proud I was up there and getting it done like a boss!! haha! In the end, I am glad I did it, but honestly, I will probably never do it again. It wasn't my cup of tea. 

By the way, we never saw a gibbon. I think we were the only gibbons up there. haha! 

Oh yeah....I forgot to mention I won the loudest scream award. haha! Everyone said my scream could be used in a horror movie. I was made fun of for two days. :|

Hope you enjoyed my photos! xoxo - Michelle

Temples continued.......| Still Image Photography | Siem Reap

I had to break up my last blog post for this day since I had SO many photos! We went to several temples in Siem Reap. This blog post are mostly photos of The Bayon Temple, Angkor Thom and Banteay Srei.

All the temples were amazing and we liked each one for different reasons. I hope you enjoy my photos.


After the temples, we went to a buffet restaurant that had a little show for us. The food was good, show was neat, but it was HOT and HUMID! The ladies who danced were pretty amazing. They danced so gracefully as they balanced whatever it was in their hands and the hat on their heads. Not one lady dropped anything. We really enjoyed everything. :)

I can't wait to share more photos soon.

xoxo - Michelle

Angkor Wat Temple - Kingdom of Cambodia | Still Image Photography | Day 4 - Siem reap

We had a full day of Temples today! We visited Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple and Banteay Srei Temple.  I took so many photos of these beautiful temples that I will have to do two different blogs for them. I am not sure which temple was my favorite, but Angkor Wat was absolutely magical! I hope you enjoy the photos! xoxo

Our Temple passes...

Ric and I arriving at Angkor Wat Temple. The humidity was not good for my hair. ha!

Below is a video of these awesome little plants that were everywhere in Cambodia. When you touch them, they would close up for a while. I was like a little kid and couldn't stop messing with them. :)

Again with the puffy hair. LOL! It may not look like it, but we were sweating like crazy. like drenched. It was humid and hot, but the view was AH-MAZING!!

This was so amazing.......

Our awesome group!

One of my favorite photos!

I am afraid of heights. like really scared, but I love adventure. I can look back and say, I did that and that to me is so much better than letting my fear take over.

Love this! Ended up getting two good luck bracelets.

Just a few members from our group!

He offered me a silk worm. Eeww... I said no thank you. He was eating them like peanuts.

Oh my goodness.....the monkeys scared me. I wouldn't of been afraid, but everyone from Cambodia would say, "watch our for the monkeys", "monkeys will take your camera", "don't fight with the monkeys just let them have whatever they are trying to take" etc. So it was hard not to be a little scared. One tried to grab Ric go pro and one grabbed my pant leg. That's when I screamed in the video. LOL!

This was Angkor Wat Temple.  When we finished our tour here, we ate lunch and then headed to Banteay Srei Temple and Bayon Temple. I will blog about them next. They were smaller, but had so much detail and were just as magical. I can't wait to share!!

xoxo -Michelle

Traveling to Cambodia | Still Image Photography | Siem Reap - Day 3

We woke up bright and early to make sure we had a good breakfast before heading out on our 10 hour travel day to Cambodia from Thailand. The drive there wasn't too bad. We actually stopped every two hours which made the travel time go by pretty quick. Once we arrived at the border, we had to go through immigration and customs. And like any other border town I have been to, it was pretty scary and saw some things I wish I didn't. I wish I could help every little baby/kid out there in the heat, hungry and begging for money.  

After another couple of hours, we finally arrived at our hotel in Cambodia. It actually wasn't too bad. Our tour leader scared us and tried to prepare us for the worst. Making our hotel sound like a crap hole, but it was actually not bad at all.  Surprisingly, it even had air conditioning. It didn't work that great and turned off automatically every time we left our room, but we were hot everywhere else we went so it didn't matter to much.  At this point, being hot and sweaty was just something you were about 95% of the time anyway.

We only had about an hour to shower and get ready for a short walk around Siem Reap before heading out to dinner with the rest of the group. 

Our tour guide took us to this little side market where they sold tarantulas, silk worms, beetles and crickets to eat! Yes, to EAT! They eat them like chips.  A few people in our group tried it.  Even though an insect is probably not considered meat, I just couldn't do it. It was still a living thing and ever since becoming vegan, I don't eat things that used to be alive. If it was something I would have regretted not doing while I was there, I might have considered it, but it isn't anything I will regret.  Poor little insects.  

Yes, he ate it. I think he ate another two after this one plus some silk worms.

After our quick little walking tour, we headed out to dinner with the rest of the group. Ric and I then called it a night since we had a big day the next day at the temple tours.

xoxo - Michelle

One Night in Bangkok | Still Image Photography | Day 1 & 2

When we booked this trip, we knew that it wasn't going to be the most luxurious trip we have ever taken but that was okay, we wanted to experience the country to it's fullest. I think we did just that and it was amazing. I will be working on several post in the next week or so of all the photos I took. We experienced so much and it was just all to wonderful not to share. 

After the looongest traveling day ever, we finally arrived in Bangkok, Thailand. The first thing we noticed when we arrived was the heat & humidity. OH MY Goodness the heat! And to think that I thought the humidity in Texas was horrible. There was no comparison. It didn't matter though, the excitement of finally being in Asia was much greater than any heat. As we gathered our baggage so we could go find our ride, I knew we were in for an adventure that we would never forget. 

I really hope you enjoy my photos. :)

Almost time........

This was in the Dallas airport. We had already traveled 13 hours on the road at this point and we still had another 22 hours by plane. 

Finally in Thailand!

Next morning, we decided to go to the floating market, visit the elephants and go for a short boat ride.  We also had time to visit the Grand Palace before our meeting with our tour group. A meeting where we got to meet everyone we where going to spend the next 9 days with. There where people from Australia, New Zealand, U.K., France and the U.S. and then of course Jay, our tour guide from Cambodia. 

Making faces just for fun! :)

Floating market was pretty awesome. Not the best way to shop, but it worked for them. I couldn't think about shopping, I was sweating like a pig, I hardly fit in the small boat, was scared I was going to fall in any minute and really, I was just enjoying the view. 

Once we got off the tiny boat, we enjoyed some of the delicious fruit.  Yum!

The elephants were AH-MAZING! I wanted to bring them all home with me. 

I love them. <3

I really LOVE them!

Boat ride was awesome. A little bigger boat than the floating market one. Faster too. I had to make sure to keep my mouth closed so the dirty water wouldn't splash in. 

Made it to the Grand Palace after a quick lunch and a VERY scary tuk tuk ride.

It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  It looked so amazing close-up and majestic. 

How could I not do a yoga pose here. Again....AH-MAZING!

Can you find the Emerald Buddha in the photo below?


Uh-oh another tuk tuk! 

Off to dinner with the group and then calling it early since we were so tired and we had a 10 hour drive the next morning to Siem Reap, Cambodia. 

A New Challenge - Yoga for Life: I am a beginner | Still Image Photography

I love being challenged and ever since I decided to practice yoga, I have been challenged and I love it!  All the the mind boggling poses. And lots & LOTS of sweat. Such a great workout and I am so glad that I added it to my workout routine. I also love to lift weights, do HIIT cardio, run & cycle.  Everyday I challenge myself to get better. #yogapracticenotyogaperfect

I haven't really been able to run that much. I had to take two months off due to an injury. I am finally slowly getting back to it and I am hoping that adding yoga will help prevent injury in the future. A girl can hope, right?! :)

I am a beginner yogi, not even close to being advanced! BUT......I hope to keep at it so that one day I can flow through all the poses I learn throughout my practice with ease. I think whether you are advanced or a beginner, you should feel accomplished if you pushed through it with blood, sweat and tears. I feel great when I know I gave it my all and that one day I will be better than I was yesterday. I have small goals and big goals and that is what keeps pushing me, motivating me everyday. I compete with myself and I want to be good at everything I do in life. Whether it's yoga, lifting heavier, running faster, getting better in my photography, a better wife, a better mother, etc. etc.

I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful Tuesday!! 

xoxo - Michelle    

A little bit about me | Still Image Photography

Okay I will admit it's hard to come up with topics to blog about or even find the time to blog. I am going to try harder to find time to blog more. It's one of my many goals. Even if it's just random blog. :) So here is my attempt to share just a little bit of my life with you. A little about me.

Besides my love for photography, I love weightlifting, running and cycling. The picture of me on the left was taken probably 45-55 weeks ago when I first leaned out and started lifting. Picture on right is of me now.  After a couple of cuts and reverses, this is how far I have come.  I am currently on a cut and hoping to lean out a lot more and then I will build up from that again. It's been one of my hardest cuts so far! I also LOVE to run.  I haven't been able to run since the half marathon because of my injury, but I hope to add that back in at the beginning of the new year. Before my injury,  I was running anywhere between 120 - 170 miles a month. I can say it keeps me busy! I am a mom, wife, photographer, photo editor....etc. etc. so this here is how I take time for me and I love it!  

xoxo - Michelle

Day 1 - Beach Run + Yummy Food | Cozumel, Honduras & Belize | Still Image Photography

Day 1

So I have been wanting to blog, but lately I have been just SO busy.  I am trying to fit in a blog here and there. The next few blogs will be from our trip to Cozumel, Belize & Honduras and believe it or not, I took all these photos with my phone. I almost feel like I cheated on my camera. LOL! I usually have it attached to my hip, but I wanted to try one trip without having to worry about my full size camera. I don't think it turned out to bad. :)

Below are a few photos from Galveston and from our half day on the cruise ship. My husband and I were training for a half marathon so we started the day with a run by the beach, which in my opinion, was absolutely perfect!   Our plan was to keep training the whole trip(which went well)!! We ended the day on on the cruise ship lounging around and eating delicious food. 

Hope you enjoy my photos!!

This run was so much fun! Not everyday we get to run by the beach. :)

Yummy coconut water after my run!  If you haven't tried it, do so now!!

Thank goodness I was bulking during this trip because once I get on the ship, there is delicious food available to me 24/7!! :) :)

My gorgeous hubby! <3 

My silly kids at their favorite bar-b-q place in Galveston! :)

Ended the day with a dinner date with my hubby and then a comedy show after!

It was perfect!

xoxo - Michelle

Lima, Peru | Still Image Photography | Our last day in Lima

I meant to finish this blog post before we left on our last trip, but I just didn't around to it. I was just so busy and then when we got back, I didn't have the motivation.  I love blogging. I know I don't blog as much as some people do, but I try.  Plus, I love that I can go back and view my past blogs and view all the wonderful photos to put a picture with all my wonderful memories of the different places we have seen. It is also a time where I can relax and work on just personal photos. I don't take near as many personal photos as I use to. I am just too busy.  But, I at least try and get what I can throughout the year so that I can make our family yearbook.  I hope you enjoy my photos, too! :)

The photos below was our last day in Peru. We spent the day in Lima. We went to see the beach, also got to see an awesome parade with the awesome dragons, ate some of our favorite peruvian dishes, and walked around the shopping mall.  It was just nice and relaxing before our long flight home. 

This was a pretty cool parade.

We thought this was pretty cool! :)


xoxo  -Michelle

Cusco, Peru | Still Image Photography | Our last day in Cusco

We got to spend one day in Cusco exploring before we had to fly back to Lima!  It was pretty awesome!  We found a yummy pastry shop for a delicious treat and coffee and then headed out for the day.  We did a little shopping and lots of sight-seeing all around Cusco. Today was also the day I had planned to try the guinea pig for dinner!  When we first decided to come to Peru, I knew I wanted to try it, but I wasn't sure if I would actually go through with it. Well, I did and I am glad I did too!  It was pretty yummy!  I hope you enjoy my photos!! :)

Too CUTE!!!

There were stairs like this everywhere in Cusco. Some with even more than the pic below. 

Below is a photo of the restaurant where I decided to try guinea pig for the first time!! :)

A little scared. A before pic before eating a guinea pig!!! hahahaha....

Guinea Pig is actually supper yummy. Not a whole lot of meat, but the meat it did have was tender. Ric couldn't eat it.  He didn't even want a taste and could barely eat his food after seeing mine. LOL!  I am glad I tried it!! 

xoxo -Michelle

Machu Picchu & Aguas Calientes | Still Image Photography | Lost City of the Incas Day 2

The second day in the Lost City of the Incas was just as amazing as the first! We woke up extra early to be able to go up and see the clouds. There was a long line just to get on the bus to go up a ways before we had to climb the rest of the way. We made it though and it was totally worth it!! We also had a planned hike up the Machu Picchu Mountain.  The mountain is 10,007 feet above sea level and when hiking up the mountain it offers beautiful panoramic views of Machu Picchu. The trail is about 30 - 35 degrees in angle for about an hour to hour and a half. The height to climb up the mountain from Machu Picchu is about 2, 139 feet. They only allow 400 people a day to go up the mountain. You have to sign in before you go up and and then sign out when you get back down. I told Ric it's because they need to make sure everyone makes it down the right way not falling over the side. haha!  It's pretty scary.  The views were amazing, but it was still a very scary experience.  I actually had to put my phone and camera up so that I could have my hands free. So I only took some photos until we were about halfway up. I would have to crawl at times going up and then on way down, I had to scoot down step by step.  I am afraid of heights so for me it was such a great experience and I am so glad I did it! I hope you enjoy the photos!

After our climb, we spent the rest of the afternoon in Aguas Calientes before getting on the train back to Cusco. They had a ton of festivals going on with wonderful food and pastries. After all the climbing we did, we sure did work up an appetite and we really enjoyed all the wonderful treats!! :)

The video below is a little clip of us going up to see Machu Picchu while the clouds are still down early in the morning.  I know I probably sound silly in the video, but I don't care. LOL!  I know I was breathing really hard going up, and I like to think I have I pretty good endurance, but with the altitude it was difficult!! 

Yes, we are silly but oh well! It was so much fun and even though I hate the way I sound on videos, I am still glad I recorded some. :)

Below are photos from Aguas Calientes

Love these photos below!! :)

Here is a video of Ric helping these cute little girls with their kite. :) Love it!!

Hope you enjoyed my photos & videos!

xoxo - Michelle

Machu Picchu & Aguas Calientes | Still Image Photography | Lost City of the Incas

The next morning we traveled by train from Cusco to Aguas Calientes.  It was a 4 hour train ride, but we had such beautiful scenery on the way so it didn't seem to take that long.  For the next two days, we stayed in Aguas Calientes so we could go up to see Machu Picchu! One of the most AMAZING places I have ever seen!! It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

The plan was to tour Machu Picchu the first day and then hang out and relax in Aguas Calientes, stay the night, then wake up and go up to see Machu Picchu early the next morning when the clouds were low and climb Machu Picchu Mountain.

This blog post is Day 1 in Machu Picchu.

On the train and ready to go see The Lost City of the Incas!

Below are just some of the photos that I took during our train ride to Aguas Calientes.

Below are photos from Day 1 in Machu Picchu

It was scary going up and scary looking down, but it was so BEAUTIFUL!!

I hope you enjoy the photos........

Love this photo! It was VERY scary taking it, but worth it!!! 

I am afraid of heights, but I just had to do this. After photo was taken, I scoot my way back and then crawled a little before I got back up. haha!

Ric and I both wanted to bring an Alpaca back home with us. They are so cute and sweet! 

After spending half the day up in Machu Picchu, we went back to our hotel freshened up and walked around the city of Aguas Calienties.  We ate dinner, found a good dessert/coffee shop and relaxed while watching a few parades go by. Then we walked around some more and then ate some more before we called it a night!! LOL! :) 

Below is photo of a Peruvian dog!  We ran in to him while walking around the town. It's so ugly, but cute!! Wanted to bring him home, too!

A little fiesta going on!

Hope you enjoyed Day 1 of "The Lost City of the Incas"

xoxo - Michelle

Cusco, Peru | Still Image Photography | Tours in the City of Cusco

The next morning, we flew from Lima to Cusco. We had a whole day planned of awesome tours in the city. We were going to see the Centro Historia de Cusco, Sacsayhuaman, Qorikancha, Plaza de Armas, Qenqo, Tambomachay, Tipon & a few other museums and beautiful churches.  We usually only had one meal a day since we were pretty busy all day long and we were lucky if we had enough time to get a little snack.  By the time we ended our tours for the day(pretty much everyday), we were starving and couldn't wait to go out to eat for dinner.  It was worth it though. We were able to see a lot! :)  

I took a few photos at the airport in Lima and of us getting on our plane.   

We flew with Peruvian air. Even though it was a smaller plane, it was very nice, comfortable and the flight attendants were very nice.

Here I took a few photos while we were on our way to our hotel.

Below are a couple of photos of our hotel in Cusco. It was adorable and walking distance to a lot amazing places.  The first thing they offer you while your checking in is Coca tea also known as mate de coca.

If you have never heard of coca tea, it is is an herbal tea (infusion)  made using the (typically raw) leaves of the coca plant, which is native to South America. It is made either by submerging the coca leaf or dipping a tea bag in hot water. The tea is most commonly consumed in the Andes mountain range, particularly Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. It is greenish yellow in color and has a mild bitter flavor similar to green tea with a more organic sweetness.

It is supposed to help with altitude sickness. 

Heading out for our tour!!

This was the view from our tour of the Qorikancha. 


Loved the tour of Sacsayhuaman. It was just hard to climb since we were not use to the high altitude. At times, we were breathing like we had just ran a mile with only a few steps going up

The view of Cusco from Sacsayhuaman.

As we were walking to go see Tambomachay, this Alpaca decides to just walk right behind us. He was too cute. I wanted to bring him home!

Love these photos of Ric and I below! Some of my favorites!!

Walking up to Tambomachay


This Inca site with canals, waterfalls & aqueducts is thought to have been built to worship water.

This is just part of Qenqo. It kind of reminded me of the city of rocks. ha! But these rocks were not volcanic rock formations.  These rocks are the remains of an Inca Temple and the tunnels were carved by Incas.

After our tours, lots more sightseeing, walking for hours, climbing at times, we finally were able to go eat dinner.  We went to a place called Inka Grill.  It was so delicious.

This was my plate! I had a quinoa stuffed red pepper with goat cheese. I usually don't eat cheese, but I figured this one time wouldn't kill me. LOL! Besides it was goat cheese.  Everything in Peru is fresh.  Really fresh. and delicious! 

Ric ate Alpaca! He said it was good, but would rather have steak! 

That poor Alpaca was probably killed that morning just so Ric could eat dinner. :( 

I tried the Pisco Sour and Ric tried Inca Kola.

Hope you're enjoying my photos so far!

xoxo - Michelle

Lima, Peru | Still Image Photography | A day in Lima

We were so excited about going to Peru! We had our days planned out and we were ready to go. We visited Lima, Cusco, Aguas Calientes & Machu Picchu.  There is just too many photos to share in one post, so I will be doing a few blogs about our experience!  The first photos I will share is us traveling to Peru and arriving in Lima.  We arrived early in the morning and spent the whole day touring the city.  I think one of the best choices we made for our trip was we had a travel agency plan out our days so that we could see as much as possible.  The company "Best Peru Tours" was amazing from Day 1 to the very last day we were there.  They were waiting for us with a sign at the airport as soon as we got off the plane and they picked up our luggage and made sure we made it to our hotel. The gentlemen from the company checked us in and then he showed us our itinerary for the day and when/where we would be picked up next and what tour we would be going on.  They made sure to always pick us up for our next tour on time and made sure we made it back to our hotel(s), they recommended the best places to eat, the best places to shop, the best places to see that wasn't already on our tour package. They made our stay in Peru very easy, enjoyable and FUN!!! 

I really hope you enjoy my photos! :)

Lima, Peru

This was our first day, we had just arrived in Lima after a long, very long overnight flight. We did not sleep very well on the plane, but we were determined to not let the day go to waste. 

We freshened up and toured the City of Lima! 

Changing of the guards at the Presidential Palace!

Below is a little video that I captured. :)

Ric and the kids! Love this photo. :)

I am in there somewhere! haha....

Ric was doing magic tricks for the kiddos that we met outside of the catacomb tour.  They were all so excited! In the video below, you will hear me talk a little spanglish! LOL!  I don't speak Spanish very well, but the kids did not understand me so I tried. :)

They just loved that we were from the United States. 

She wanted a photo of just her and I.  So cute! 

We decided to eat at a place called Norky's for dinner.

It was so delicious!:)

This was AH-MAZING!!!  Lomo Saltado con Risotto. One of the best dishes I ate while in Peru.  We actually went back on the very last day just so that I could eat it one more time before we had to come back home. Soooooo yummmy!!! :)

Roads were crazy and saw several drivers(taxi drivers) reading the newspaper. As crazy as the roads were, I am surprised we didn't see any car accidents.  They told us when we are walking in Lima, to cross the streets, you either have to wait, wait, wait, or RUN!  We ran!

The next morning, we flew to Cusco! :)

Heading to Cusco!  More photos to come soon........

xoxo  -Michelle

Carnival Cruise Imagination | Still Image Photography |

We recently went on the Carnival Imagination and it was WONDERFUL!  Just as amazing as the last cruise we went on. The Carnival Magic. I have been meaning to blog about our experience on the Carnival Magic, but just haven't had the chance, but I hope to blogging about that one soon!!   Carnival Imagination took us to Catalina Island & Ensenada, Mexico and then we had one full day at sea. Both Catalina and Ensenada were absolutely beautiful!!  We ended up just sight seeing and grabbing a yummy coffee in Catalina, but decided on doing an excursion in Ensenada. We went to see La Bufadora and I thought it was pretty amazing!!!

If you have never heard of La Bufadora, it's a marine geyser or blowhole . The spout of sea water is the result of air, trapped in a sea cave, exploding upwards. Air is forced into the cave by wave action and is released when the water recedes. It also makes a thunderous noise as well. Which I thought that was pretty cool!!  This repeats every minute or so with its volume depending on the the strength of the waves. 

Here is a little video....

Before I share some photos, I just have to say if you haven't done a cruise....DO ONE NOW!  Seriously!! I am not even joking and I am not even sure why it's taken me so long to done one.  My husband kept on and on about taking a cruise, but I just wasn't sure I would like it. Plus, being out in the sea kinda freaked me out. Well all that worrying for nothing. I love cruising! LOVE IT!!!  I wish I could live on a ship.  It's affordable and it's all inclusive(except for spa, alcohol & excursions). You do absolutely nothing but relax and have fun. They have everything you need and they take you to new, fun & exciting places that you can choose to get off the ship and see. You get to eat whenever you want, however much you want. Best part in my opinion!!! You unpack once and you have everything at your, cocktails, more food, swimming, hot tubs, sauna, steam room, spa, gym, jogging track, mini golf, night clubs, kids clubs(in case you take the kids), comedy club, piano bar, library room, casino, karaoke, parties, bingo, lounges, taste bar, formal dinner, music, shows(and really good shows too), tea time, brunch, and did I mention all the food!!!  It's heaven! You lose track of time and forget what day it's AH-MAZING!!! 

Below are some of our photos of wonderful memories. Enjoy!

They are excited about getting on the ship!! :)

Going straight to the food....

Made it to Catalina Island!


Back on the ship and about to get ready for formal night with a little pampering in the spa!  Decided to cut & color my hair! :)

My daughter Zayda photo bombed me in the photo below.

Ate a fantastic dinner for formal night and now we are waiting for the 70's & 80's Rock Concert to start!!

The guy below was an opener for the show. He was really really good at playing the guitar. I didn't get any photos or video of the actual show since cameras or video weren't allowed, but it was pretty amazing!! We had so much fun singing along to all the songs. 

Arrived in Ensenada, Mexico! :)

Below is a photo of a jaguar. The only photo I was able to take before I was told I could not take photos of them because it cost money.  For $20 you could take a photo with the animal. They would either take it out of the cage or put you in the cage and take a photo. They also had a black jaguar, monkey, two lion cubs and a lion.  There was a lady standing with the black jaguar and she was letting him nibble on her hand.  We did not take a photo with any of these animals. I felt really bad for them.  Not only do I feel that these animals should not be used for this purpose but I also think it's dangerous and they don't belong in small cages like this one. :(  


Back on the ship and ready for a fun day at sea!! :)

Mardi Gras party!!

Below is a photo I took on the last morning of our cruise. :(

Miss it already and can't wait for the next one!!! 

Disneyland - Day 1 | Still Image Photography | New Mexico Photographer

I haven't even blogged about our last cruise on the Carnival Magic yet, but I figured if I could get one blog done, then hopefully I could get my act together and get the other one done, too! :)  So I hope to blog about Jamaica, Grand Cayman & Cozumel soon!

Until then.... 

We recently went to Disneyland and on the Carnival Imagination and it was AH-MAZING!  This time around we went on the Carnival Imagination which took us to Catalina Island & Ensenada, Mexico and then we had one full day at sea.  I was going to blog about our whole trip in one post, but there were just too many fun photos I wanted to share so I decided to break up the blog post. I will tell you more about the cruise in my next post. For now, here are some photos from our trip to California and our day at Disneyland!

Disneyland was just as fun as I remember. In my opinion it's the best amusement park in any age!!  Plus, that is where I can get the best Monte Cristo sandwich and pineapple ice cream float. Yum!!  We had a GREAT time and want to do it all over again! 

Our first stop was In & Out burger. We had to give it another try since the last time we tried it, we didn't really like it. We loved it this time around. :)  :) I am not sure why we didn't like it last time?!!  Glad we gave it a second chance!   

(Most of these photos were taken with the Samsung Galaxy 5)

We made a little stop for candy.

When we finally arrived in California and checked into our hotel, we walked down to downtown Disney to check things out.  Zayda was the only one in the mood for photos. LOL!

Next day, we went to Disney! :) 

Zayda and I both wore our Minnie hats. We planned on having a GREAT time and we did!!

I decided to do a little morning flexing in my Franco Minnie hat. bahahaha! 


One of the best Monte Cristo sandwiches EVAH!!  So bad for you, but SOOO GOOD!

Next morning, I woke up 2 hours earlier than the rest of family and got in a good workout. Ran 6.5 miles and did what lifting I could do.  I really enjoyed my run. A lot prettier view than my usual runs. Hopefully, one day I can run the Disney half or full. Now that would be awesome!! :)  Can't wait to blog about the cruise. Stay tuned....I hope for my post to be up by tomorrow! 

Prague, Czech Republic & London, U.K. - Day 6 & 7 | Still Image Photography

I have been working on this blog post for a long while. Every time I would start working on it, something else came up. I would love to post more blogs about my sessions and about other personal stuff, too.  I hope that I can eventually get in to a routine and maybe one day post more! 

These photos are from our trip to the Czech Republic.

On our last two days, we spent half of one day in Prague before heading to London! We then spent the rest of the time in London before coming home. It was absolutely WONDERFUL!!  Out of all the places we visited while there....(Kutna Hora, Czech Republic; Vienna, Austria; Terezin, Czech Republic; Prague, Czech Republic and London, UK), my favorite was Prague!  It was absolutely beautiful there, the people were so nice and the food was AMAZING!  It is definitely a place I would love to go back to one day.... just so I can eat more Famous Czech Bread.  Yummy!!  :)

London was fun! Lots to do and see.  I think we managed to see a lot of the things we wanted, but I wish we would have had more time. I can say we did make the most of our time while  there and had a blast! Hope you enjoy my photos!! :)




Kutna Hora, Czech Republic - Day 5 | Still Image Photography

On our 5th day in Czech Republic we took a tour in Kutna Hora. We loved it!

Before we left, we had breakfast at our hotel and they had a lady playing the harp. It was so nice and she played it beautifully!! We really really enjoyed listening to her play. After breakfast we decided to go site see a little more in Prague before heading out to Kutna Hora. We had seen a fence a couple day before with locks on it that had names of people (couples) on them and I told Ric that I really wanted to put a lock up for us. I told him we could save the keys so if we ever go back or if one of our kids ever visit Prague when their older they could go look for it.  So went around Prague to the tourist shops to find a lock. <3  I think it might be something we do everywhere we visit. I just wish we could go back to all the places we already visited just to put a lock there too. :) 

xoxo - Michelle


Here is our first lock......


Below are photos of our tour in Kutna Hora, Czech Republic. Our first stop was the bone church. At the time of the thirty years’ war in the 17th century, the number of burials outgrew the space available, the older remains began to be exhumed and stored in the chapel, and it’s estimated that the chapel now contains the bones of up to 40,000 people. 

We then visited Saint Barbara's Cathedral. Which was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and at the end of tour we visited the very interesting medieval silver mine. We absolutely enjoyed every bit of the tour. Hope you enjoy my photos. :)
