A New Challenge - Yoga for Life: I am a beginner | Still Image Photography

I love being challenged and ever since I decided to practice yoga, I have been challenged and I love it!  All the the mind boggling poses. And lots & LOTS of sweat. Such a great workout and I am so glad that I added it to my workout routine. I also love to lift weights, do HIIT cardio, run & cycle.  Everyday I challenge myself to get better. #yogapracticenotyogaperfect

I haven't really been able to run that much. I had to take two months off due to an injury. I am finally slowly getting back to it and I am hoping that adding yoga will help prevent injury in the future. A girl can hope, right?! :)

I am a beginner yogi, not even close to being advanced! BUT......I hope to keep at it so that one day I can flow through all the poses I learn throughout my practice with ease. I think whether you are advanced or a beginner, you should feel accomplished if you pushed through it with blood, sweat and tears. I feel great when I know I gave it my all and that one day I will be better than I was yesterday. I have small goals and big goals and that is what keeps pushing me, motivating me everyday. I compete with myself and I want to be good at everything I do in life. Whether it's yoga, lifting heavier, running faster, getting better in my photography, a better wife, a better mother, etc. etc.

I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful Tuesday!! 

xoxo - Michelle