Traveling to Cambodia | Still Image Photography | Siem Reap - Day 3

We woke up bright and early to make sure we had a good breakfast before heading out on our 10 hour travel day to Cambodia from Thailand. The drive there wasn't too bad. We actually stopped every two hours which made the travel time go by pretty quick. Once we arrived at the border, we had to go through immigration and customs. And like any other border town I have been to, it was pretty scary and saw some things I wish I didn't. I wish I could help every little baby/kid out there in the heat, hungry and begging for money.  

After another couple of hours, we finally arrived at our hotel in Cambodia. It actually wasn't too bad. Our tour leader scared us and tried to prepare us for the worst. Making our hotel sound like a crap hole, but it was actually not bad at all.  Surprisingly, it even had air conditioning. It didn't work that great and turned off automatically every time we left our room, but we were hot everywhere else we went so it didn't matter to much.  At this point, being hot and sweaty was just something you were about 95% of the time anyway.

We only had about an hour to shower and get ready for a short walk around Siem Reap before heading out to dinner with the rest of the group. 

Our tour guide took us to this little side market where they sold tarantulas, silk worms, beetles and crickets to eat! Yes, to EAT! They eat them like chips.  A few people in our group tried it.  Even though an insect is probably not considered meat, I just couldn't do it. It was still a living thing and ever since becoming vegan, I don't eat things that used to be alive. If it was something I would have regretted not doing while I was there, I might have considered it, but it isn't anything I will regret.  Poor little insects.  

Yes, he ate it. I think he ate another two after this one plus some silk worms.

After our quick little walking tour, we headed out to dinner with the rest of the group. Ric and I then called it a night since we had a big day the next day at the temple tours.

xoxo - Michelle